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In May 2015 it was five years since the establishment of the office of pharmacy history. Its opening was timed to the 80th anniversary of the Belpharmacy management as a unified system of management of the pharmacy services of Belarus and organization of drug supply.
In accordance with the order of RUP "BELPHARMATSIYA" dated 21 May 2010 number 137 Sosonkina V.F. was responsible for the organization of the office of pharmacy history , the leading specialist of organizational and pharmaceutical RUP "BELPHARMATSIYA". The cabinet is a part of this department.
The Cabinet is the second object in the history of pharmaceutical business in Belarus after the discovery in 1996 in Grodno pharmacy museum.
The Cabinet is situated in the pharmacy of the second category number 8 RUP "BELPHARMATSIYA" in the Trinity suburb (Minsk, st. Storozhevskaya, 3).
The pharmacy building is included in the register of the Republic of Belarus of historical and cultural values.
The interior and design of the pharmacy № 88 was developed in the l late 80s of the last century by the architect, the member of the Union of Architects of the BSSR Dyatlov I.E and artists, members of the Artists' Union of the BSSR Dyatlova A.E. and Sazykina O.J.
On the facade of the pharmacy building there is a sign: a bowl with a snake made of cast iron, and the main entrance to the pharmacy is also accompanied with this emblem in the form of two ceramic panels.
The symbol - a bowl with a snake was extended throughout Europe during the XVIII - XIX centuries. In 1825 - 1868 years in Minsk there were four private pharmacies, which had the emblem.
In the trade hall of the pharmacy there are four ceramic panels depicting medicinal plants, porcelain floor vases and pots.
The interior of the trading hall is complemented with porcelain vessels and chemist laboratory glassware, made in the Soviet period at Belarusian factories (authors of the sketches are Dyatlova A.E. and Sazykina O.Y).
The retail pharmacy room is a tourist object of urban excursions.
Dyatlova A.E. and her works
Sazykina O.J. Is on the trading floor of the pharmacy №88 (on the top of the cabinets there are samples of laboratory glassware, she is the author of its sketches )
On the second floor there is the pharmacy office history, decorated in the style of the pharmacy of the XX century. The total office area is 72, 5 square. m.
As of January 1, 2015 the pharmaceutical cabinet collection consistsof more than 1000 units of objects.
The Cabinet does not apply to tourist sites and is intended for health professionals.
Historical exhibits are housed in four rooms.
The first room is an office of the pharmacy manager. On the bookshelves there are historical materials on pharmaceutical business organization in the Soviet period. In this room there is a corner "Socialist competition" and a small exhibition "Pharmaceutical education".
In the second room (the waiting area, reception, sales area) there is a furniture set, previously located on the first floor of the pharmacy number 88 (display cases with drawers, a table -cabinet and a shop). The furniture was made at Bobruisk furniture factory in 1987 and was used in the pharmacy number 88 till the repair (2010).
There is museum stand "Medicinal Plants" features in this room. The author of the stand project is Evgeny Morozov, architect, PhD. He also designed the stand "Socialist competition", the corner of alchemist and analytical chemist.
On the shelves of the cabinet there are valuable old books published in the late XIX - early XX century, chemist glassware of the first half of XX century.
Three paintings on the wall give a special look to the trading hall (the artist is Lydia Lozovskaya, a member of the Belarusian Union of Designers).
One painting depicts Hippocrates (father of European medicine) and Galen (Pharmacy father).
The second picture shows the pharmacist-herbalist Joseph (who according to the legend served Scheib's pharmacy). Next to the picture there is a copy of the Diploma of the Polish King August III from November 28, 1748 about the permission of the pharmacy opening to David Scheibe in Minsk.
On October 14, 2015 on the basis of the pharmacy №88 RUP "BELPHARMATSIYA" a meeting of the club on the history of pharmacy, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the end of registration of the pharmacy interior in the Trinity Suburb and the 5th Anniversary of the formation of the Cabinet of history of pharmacy in the enterprise was held.
In addition to the members of the group, to the event as guests were invited the artist Lydia Lozovskaya, the writer and poetess Ludmila Rublevskaya and others. It was her historical novel (mysticism) "Mrs Groom Danusi" that Lydia Lozova used when writing the image of the pharmacist Josef.
In April, 2015 we celebrated 525 years since the birth of Skorina. To this significant date one more picture, written by Lydia Lozova, appeared in the office of pharmacy history. Francisk Skaryna is the Belarusian and Russian East Slavic first printer, philosopher, humanist, writer, social activist, entrepreneur and first certified doctor of Belarus. He taught pharmacology course at the University of Prague.
The simulated waiting room also has 12 separate numbers of Russian pharmaceutical journals (copies), which were given to the cabinet by Godovalnikova G.V. Among them there are: "Pharmaceutical Journal" (1864), "Pharmaceutical sheet" (1866), "Chemist" (1893), "Prescription" (1902), "Employee pharmacist" (1907), "The pharmacist practitioner" (1907) "Russian pharmacist" (1908), "Russian pharmaceutical intermediary" (1914) and others.
Here visitors have the opportunity to see the promotional material of medicines of the pre-revolutionary period, as well as the original packing of medicines, medical products, health products of the Soviet period
In the third room of the pharmacy history cabinet - the room for the drugs manufacturing – there is a wooden table set for two seats (an assistant and a packer) and a wooden cabinet with rotators made in Minsk in the 60s of the last century. Previously they were in the pharmacy number 5 in Minsk (Mayakovsky Str., 33) in a detached wooden house (built in 1910), which was demolished.
On the table there are different pharmacy items, and in the closet there are different sctanglazez.
This room is also equipped with " Alchemist corner" (glassware samples of the XVII century.) and " Analyst chemist" (utensils, tools of the Soviet period).
In the funds of the cabinet there are many images of pharmaceutical signatures of Belarusian pharmacies, including 55 for the 1882 - 1949 years. Original signatures are in the museums of Belarus.
The conference hall (the fourth room) is a place where visitors continue to get acquainted with the rest of the exhibits of the room. It contains videos, photo albums, the honor book of the enterprises, article files from newspapers and magazines about the domestic pharmaceutical development and achievements in the past in the present; decorated thematic stands timed to the significant dates and events of the pharmaceutical service; there is a map of the pharmacies opening on the territory of Belarus and others.
Different events are held here: meetings with veterans of the enterprise, dedication of the specialists to the profession, classes on the pharmacy history with students of educational institutions of pharmaceutical profile, club meeting on the pharmacy history, trainings with specialists and others.
During the period of its existence, the office was visited by 2,000 people.
It has become a good tradition to hold talks on career guidance with students of educational institutions of Minsk. During the first six days of June more than 70 students of 10 secondary schools of the Frunz district together with the teachers visited the pharmacy 88.
Sosonkina V.F. told the guests about the specific charaсter of the work as a pharmacy Health Organization, about the functions of pharmacists, the receiving of pharmaceutical education and also acquainted with the exposition in the pharmacy history office.
On April 21, 2016 Irena Matlavski visited the office- Professor of the Pharmacognosy Department of Poznan Medical University. The professor considered with great interest old pharmaceutical books, including "A Guide to Pharmacognosy" by Julia Trapp (1869), "The course of Pharmacognosy" by N.F. Mentina (1901) and others. The professor was invited to the 9th congress of pharmaceutical workers of the Repulic of Belarus, which took place on April 22 at the Belarusian State Medical University.
In March 2016 there was a celebration in honor of Olga Leonidovna Gavrilova on the occasion of her 80th birth anniversary. All her work activity (42 years) was at the pharmacy №13, Minsk, and for 27 years was its permanent head. Workers of the management personnel of RUP "BELPHARMATSIYA" and the pharmacy №13 came to congratulate her.
After the formation of the history pharmacy cabinet on the basis of pharmacy №88 Olga Leonidovna was among the first who gave a lot of items (diplomas, newspaper files, etc). She is especially proud of the pharmacy staff participation in the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR (1985). There implemented in the pharmacy defect-free labor system was presented and it won the bronze medal. The album which reflects this system in action was also given to the cabinet by Olga Leonidovna. Now pharmacy veterans remember about their achievements, turning the pages of the valuable historical record.
On October 3, 2013 the office of pharmacy history was visited by the members of the Eurasian Economic Commission of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.
RUP "BELPHARMATSIYA" cooperates with many medical educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus.
On February 21, 2014 the faculty of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Minsk State Medical University led by the Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences A.V. Khapalyuk acquainted with the organization of the pharmacy number 88 RUP "BELPHARMATSIYA" on the drug provision of the population and visited the pharmacy history office.
On March 26, 2014 attended by members of the Cabinet was attended by the the first created in Belarus Club in pharmacy history. Club members participate in international conferences on the history of medicine and pharmacy, which are traditionally held on the basis of Grodno State Medical University.
On July 22, 2014 the teachers of the Department of Chemistry of Kaunas Medicine University visited the pharmacy №88 and the history pharmacy cabinet of the enterprise . The colleagues came to Minsk at the invitation of the Dean of the Pharmacy Faculty of the Minsk Medical University Gurina N.S.
Sosonkina V.F., the leading specialist of organizational and pharmaceutical department told the guests about the origin of Trinity suburb and pharmacies in it, usage of a pharmaceutical historical symbolism in the interior pharmacy №88, showed pharmacy history exhibits. Zelmanchuk N.N., the head of pharmacy, acquainted colleagues with the organization of the pharmacy work.
In turn, Eduardas Tarasyavichyus, Professor, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the head of the pharmacists association in Lithuania shared the experience of creating a museum of pharmacy on the basis of Kaunas Medical University and its replenishment with the help of events conducted by the National Association of Pharmacists and forms of cooperation with international non-governmental organizations. Interesting was The information about the process of the future professionals training and entities activity on the pharmaceutical market of the country was very interesting.
Lithuanian colleagues wrote in the "Guest Book" of the pharmacy history cabinet.
On December 29, 2014 the office was visited by the of veterans of the Minsk pharmacy service: Swede Yaroslav Nikolaevich, Lobotskaya Natalia Petrovna, Fedorov, Vitaliy Andreevich, Polyakova Ludmila Vasiljevna, Grinkova Lyudmila Michajlovna, Hvitko Raisa Afasanevna, Pankiewich Irina Antonovna, Gashek Larisa Yegorovna, Elkina Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Korza Galina Grigorjevna . The occasion was the celebration of the meeting Yaroslav Swede in connection with the 80 fly anniversary. December 29, 2014 visited the office veterans pharmacy services Minsk: Swede Yaroslav Nikolaevich, Lobotsky Natalia P. Fedorov, Vitaly A. Polyakova Ludmila, Grinkova Lyudmila, Hvitko Raisa Afasanevna, Pankiewicz Irina Antonovna, Hasek Larisa Yegorovna Elkina Lyudmila, Korza Galina . The occasion of the meeting was the celebration in honour of Yaroslav Nikolaevich Swede in connection with the 80th anniversary.
On the basis of the cabinet materials articles on the pharmacy history in Belarus are prepared, which are constantly published in the materials of international scientific and medical conferences on the medicine and pharmacy history, in specific scientific and practical journals "Prescription", "Pharmacy Bulletin" and others.
On September 17, 2015 the office was visited by the chief of organizational and pharmaceutical departments of pharmaceutical of the enterprise "Pharmacy".