# Enterprises «BELPHARMATSIYA»


    Quick search for drugs in pharmacies

    General information

    Main/About / General information
    # National pharmacy chain in Minsk
    # RUE"BELFARMATSIYA " today - is a dynamically developing company, which includes online pharmacy and 227 pharmacies, 15 of which operate around the clock, pharmaceutical warehouse, control and analytical laboratory, a pharmaceutical information center.
    National pharmacy chain The Republic of Belarus
    The company includes: 227 pharmacies, pharmaceutical warehouse, control and analytical laboratory, a pharmaceutical information center.
    As of June 1, 2024 payroll number of employees is 2013 people, including 1340 pharmaceutical worker.
    Company Objectives
    Timely satisfaction of needs of the population and public health institutions in drugs and other pharmaceutical products range.
    Production of medicines prescribed by doctors for individual applications, and health care organizations.
    The creation of a common information space with all organizations involved in the provision of pharmaceutical care to citizens of the Republic
    Implementation of domestic support.
    Organizing competitions and implementation of centralized procurement of medicines.
    Providing the public and health care institutions free of charge information about medicines and their availability in pharmacies all forms of ownership.
    Methodological guide enterprises "Pharmacy", coordination and control of pharmaceutical, medical, financial and economic activities and other. areas.
    Organization of practical training for students of educational institutions of pharmaceutical profile and internship of their graduates free of charge.
    Maintaining sound financial condition and the effective management of the enterprise.

    Pharmacies RUE BELFARMATSIYA first among the country's health institutions in 2013 used electronic queue. Implementation of this project will improve efficiency and ensure rapid customer traffic distribution in the right direction, to reduce the likelihood of conflict, to reduce the time.


    In order to improve the drug culture of public services in the sales rooms of large pharmacies established "Infokiosks", where visitors can own without any professional assistance to get information about the availability of medicines in pharmacies RUE "BELFARMATSIYA".


    In the trading rooms of our pharmacies are placed layouts of stickers with QR-codes. Scan QR- code with the help of special applications for mobile devices allows you to view the range of these pharmacies, the links to specify addresses of the nearest pharmacies, convenience, pharmacy manufacturing, etc.


    In Belarus, the drugstores RUE "BELFARMATSIYA 'first since 2014 started to provide this service to customers. With the Internet, you can order online PHARMA.BY an order for the purchase of pharmaceutical assortment of goods and having received notice to pay and pick up your selected pharmacy. The site PHARMA.BY posted rules.


    Each subscriber 169 can learn not only about the presence of goods of pharmaceutical assortment in pharmacies of the capital, but also reserve the goods in his chosen pharmacy.


    All pharmacy businesses implement population medicines for electronic prescriptions. Appointment of the AIS "Electronic recipe" - the formation of a unified database of electronic prescriptions and access to information about medicines and released online.

    Pharmacies companies perform high-cost social functions:
    Patients on maintenance free and discounted prescriptions
    Pharmaceutical manufacturing drugs
    Vacation narcotic and psychotropic substances
    Implementation of drugs at wholesale prices health facilities
    Throughout his multi-faceted work of the company's management carries out in close cooperation with non-governmental organizations: primary trade union organization, Republican public association of pharmaceutical workers "FARMABEL" and BRYU.