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The cabinet of history of pharmacy (pharmacy №88 RUE "BELPHARMACIA" Minsk)
The pharmacy history cabinet
In May 2015 it was five years since the establishment of the office of pharmacy history. Its opening was timed to the 80th anniversary of the Belpharmacy management as a unified system of management of the pharmacy services of Belarus and organization of drug supply.
The Cabinet is situated in the pharmacy of the second category number 8 RUE "BELPHARMACIA" in the Trinity suburb (Minsk, st. Storozhevskaya, 3). The pharmacy building is included in the register of the Republic of Belarus of historical and cultural values.
Основные задачи кабинета истории фармации:
- studying and promoting the history of pharmacy practice in Belarus;
- upbringing of the feeling of importance of the profession and the sense of pride for it in young specialists;
- participation in the activities of the ideological work at the enterprise.
The total office area is 72.5 sq. m. The cabinet consists of 4 rooms: the cabinet t of the head of the pharmacy, shopping halls, the assistant room (decorated in the style of the twentieth century.) and the training room.
The pharmaceutical collection of the office includes more than 800 units of pharmacy items and 340 books.
During 2013 the office received 139 new and extremely valuable exhibits, most of which were given by G.V. Godovalnikova and A.A. Sheryakovym free of charge. The office has 32 pharmaceutical books of the XIX - early XX century, including the pharmacopoeia of the Russian Empire of the first edition (1866), the fourth (1891), the fifth (1902), the sixth edition (1910); the pharmaceutical index of A. Bergholz (1882); the guide to the pharmaceutical, medical and chemical practice of H.Hager in 5 volumes (1889 - 1895); the guide to the qualitative chemical analysis by F. Beilstein (1873); the guide to pharmacognosy by J. Trapp (1869) and others.
In 2013 the funds of the cabinet of funds were enriched with one mortar the diameter of which is 60 cm. Now there 11 mortars in the cabinet, the smallest of which is homeopathic and her diameter is only 1.5 cm.
In the training room there is a map of the Republic of Belarus on which settlements where private pharmacies in 1914 functioned, as well as the presence of drugstores nowadays are marked.The number of currently existing pharmacies (retail, hospital), pharmaceutical warehouses and industrial enterprises is stated regardless of the form of ownership in section of each region and Minsk.
The cabinet is not a tourist attraction, as the first floor of pharmacy №88. The cabinet is intended for health care professionals.
In the training room thematic showcases dedicated to the anniversaries of the birth of the organizers of the pharmaceutical business, who made a significant contribution to the development of pharmacy services of Belarus, Victory Day, etc. are regularly organized.
In this room there are also 17 photo albums and videos, which reflect the development of domestic pharmacy in the past and in the present. On the basis of the cabinet classes on the pharmacy history of Belarus are held with the pharmacy students of educational institutions of pharmaceutical profile, extending the practice of enterprise-based pharmacies, the students of refresher courses, etc.
During the period of the office functioning it was visited by 1,300 people. Among them there are visitors from other countries - MD, Associate Professor, the Institute of Riga Pharmacy History of Stradynia Maya Pozemkovska; the head of the department of herbal medicine of the Russian University of People's Friendship, Doctor of Medical Sciences, the Academy of Natural Sciences V.F. Korsun, the students of the 4th course of the pharmacy faculty of Poznan Medical University and others.
They love to visit the office of the pharmaceutical service The veterans of the pharmaceutical service of Belarus Gavrilova O.L., Deshiovaja T.G., Kostyuchenko O.I., Solovej V.I., Mironova G.M. and others also love to visit the office. The history pharmacy office was twice visited by Dombrowa T.V., now living in the United States. All veterans gave to the office valuable historical books and pharmacy items free of charge.
On 25 May 2013 on the basis of the pharmacy history office there was a meeting of the graduates from Belarus who graduated from the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute 50 years ago(now St. Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy).
To the anniversary meeting from different parts of Belarus 12 pharmacists of 34 arrived.Unfortunately, some are dead, and others were unable to attend for good reasons.
On June 1 2013 the pharmacy history office was visited by the delegation consisting of the rector of the St. Petersburg chemical and pharmaceutical academy, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor Narkevich I.A., the chief of a pharmaceutical company in Bishkek (Kirgizia) Hudayberdiev T.M., the dean of the pharmacy faculty of the Belarusian State Medical University, Professor Gurina N.S. and director general of RUP "BELPHARMATSIYA" Kovalchuk I.E.
The leading specialist of the organizational department of pharmaceutical department of RUE "BELPHARMACIA" Sosonkina V.F. acquainted with the exhibits of the history office, which have been collected for many years with love by pharmacists and druggists from all the corners of Belarus, gave some interesting facts from the history of pharmaceutical education and pharmacy business in Belarus and Russia.
Guests watched albums with photos from different periods, including the album of graduates of the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, 1963. (Now St. Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy). In honor of the 50th anniversary of graduating the pharmacists of Belarus published a booklet in which photos of student days and labor activity in the pharmacies of Belarus are published. At the request of colleagues the booklet was handed to Narkevich I.A., who is from Gomel. As a keepsake visitors were presented the booklet on the history of the pharmacy study , books and other reference material about the development of the pharmaceutical service in the Republic of Belarus.
On October 3, 2013 the office of pharmacy history was visited by the members of the Eurasian Economic Commission of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.
RUE "BELPHARMACIA" cooperates with many medical educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus.
On February 21, 2014 the faculty of the department of clinical pharmacology of the Minsk State Medical University, headed by Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Khapalyuk A.V. acquainted with the organization of the pharmacy number 88 RUE "BELPHARMACIA" of the drug provision of the population and visited the office of pharmacy history.