# Enterprises «BELPHARMATSIYA»


    Quick search for drugs in pharmacies

    Primary trade union organizations

    Main/Structure / Management personnel / Primary trade union organizations
    Management personnel
    Management personnel
    V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    Pharmacy information center
    Pharmacy information center
    av. Nezavisemosti, 87
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    Marketing, Foreign Economic Activity and Tender Procurement Department
    Marketing, Foreign Economic Activity and Tender Procurement Department
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    • Marketing, Foreign Economic Activity and Tender Procurement Department
      Monday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00.
    Pharmacy Supplies Department
    Pharmacy Supplies Department
    Stebeneva Str.,6
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    Organizational Pharmaceutical Department
    Organizational Pharmaceutical Department
    V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    • Alexandrova Alena

      Head of Department
      Monday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00.
    Corporate Training sector of the Organizational and Pharmaceutical Department
    Corporate Training sector of the Organizational and Pharmaceutical Department
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    Planning-and-Economic Department
    Planning-and-Economic Department
    V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    Department of Prices and Tariffs
    Department of Prices and Tariffs
    Stebeneva Str.,6
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    Personnel-Lawl Department
    Personnel-Lawl Department
    V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    Legal Department
    Legal Department
    V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    Control Sector
    Control Sector
    V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    Repairs and Operation Department
    Repairs and Operation Department
    Stebeneva Str.,6
    Name/roleContactsWork time
    Primary trade union organizations
    Primary trade union organizations
    Name/roleContactsWork time