Addresses and phone numbers
Сайт Президента Республики Беларусь
Сайт Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь
Белорусский профессиональный союз работников здравоохранения
Управляющая компания холдинга "Белфармпром"
Здоровые люди
Центр экспертиз и испытаний в здравоохранении
Портал рейтинговой оценки качества оказания услуг и административных процедур
Белорусский государственный медицинский университет
Белорусский республиканский союз молодежи
Республиканское общественное объединение «Белая Русь»
Детский правовой портал
Мобильное приложение "Помощь рядом"
Портал о здоровье и красоте 103.by
Национальный правовой Интернет-портал
Курс на выздоровление
Национальный центр законодательства и правовой информации
Quick search for drugs in pharmacies
Quick search in pharmacies
Personnel-Lawl Department
Management personnel
V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
Name/roleContactsWork time
Litosh Sergei
Director GeneralMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00. -
Hancharova Alenа
Director General DeputyMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00. -
Arbuzau Artur
Director General Deputy, Head of the Pharmacy DepotMonday-Friday 8.30. - 17.00 -
Sosnovskaya Olga
Chief AccountantMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00. -
Ignatovich Olga
ReceptionistMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00. -
Pharmacy information center
av. Nezavisemosti, 87
Name/roleContactsWork time
Zviarko Ina
Chief of the CentreMonday-Friday 8.30. - 17.00.
Marketing, Foreign Economic Activity and Tender Procurement Department
Name/roleContactsWork time
Marketing, Foreign Economic Activity and Tender Procurement DepartmentMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00.
Pharmacy Supplies Department
Stebeneva Str.,6
Name/roleContactsWork time
Kacherskaya Larisa
Head of DepartmentMonday-Friday 8.30. - 17.00.
Organizational Pharmaceutical Department
V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
Name/roleContactsWork time
Alexandrova Alena
Head of DepartmentMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00.
Corporate Training sector of the Organizational and Pharmaceutical Department
Name/roleContactsWork time
Kiryliuk Arseni
Leading Pharmacist-Inspector – Head of the Corporate Training sectorMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00
Planning-and-Economic Department
V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
Name/roleContactsWork time
Nedaboy Olga
Head of DepartmentMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00.
Department of Prices and Tariffs
Stebeneva Str.,6
Name/roleContactsWork time
Spigarny Juriy
Head of DepartmentMonday-Friday 8.30. - 17.00.
Personnel-Lawl Department
V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
Name/roleContactsWork time
Kishko Lubov
Head of DepartmentMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00.
Legal Department
V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
Name/roleContactsWork time
Lemesheva Tatyana
Leading Legal CounselMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00.
Control Sector
V. Khoruzhey Str.,11
Name/roleContactsWork time
Koltovich Marina
Head of SectorMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00.
Repairs and Operation Department
Stebeneva Str.,6
Name/roleContactsWork time
Dementiev Dimitriy
Head of DepartmentMonday-Friday 8.30. - 17.00.
Primary trade union organizations
Name/roleContactsWork time
Gavrjush Maya
ChairpersonMonday-Friday 9.00. - 18.00.
- Management personnel
- Organizational Pharmaceutical Department
- Corporate Training sector of the Organizational and Pharmaceutical Department
- Planning-and-Economic Department
- Department of Prices and Tariffs
- Accounting and Reporting Department
- Personnel-Lawl Department
- Legal Department
- Control Sector
- Repairs and Operation Department
- Primary trade union organizations
- Pharmacy depot
- Pharmacies