Respublicanskoye obshchestvennoye obyedineniye farmatsevticheskikh rabotnikov (Republican Public Association of Pharmacists) “PHARMBEL” was registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus on 19 January 2000 (registration certificate №00878). A new edition of the Public Association’s Charter was registered (registration certificate №01669) on 15 September 2006.
In accordance with the Charter ROOFR “PHARMABEL” is a voluntary association of pharmaceutical workers employed in pharmaceutical organizations, pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises (regardless of types of ownership and subordination patterns), pharmaceutical educational establishments, former workers of pharmaceutical industry.
As of 1 January 2011 there are 1500 members of staff in ROOFR “PHARMABEL”.
Main purposes of ROOFR “PHARMABEL”:
- to improve the quality of medical services and contribute to the development of the national pharmaceutical market;
- to join and guide the efforts of Minsk division and regional divisions situated in the territory of the Republic of Belarus in fulfilling common tasks;
- to assist government departments in achieving strategic goals in the area of health care including pharmaceutical sector;
- to promote cooperation with legislative and executive bodies, public and non-profit organizations as well as international organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
- to foster the development and improvement of medical supply system by means of offering and justifying a consolidated opinion of the ROOFR “PHARMABEL” members before the State and the customer;
- to develop and extend the potential of the ROOFR “PHARMABEL” members, etc.
Main Activity Avenues:
- to provide assistance in the development and improvement of legislation regulating the operations of pharmaceutical organizations, pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises;
- to submit to government departments proposals (within the bounds of the Charter) on community health protection;
- to provide the assistance to scientists and experts in the development of national standards in the pharmaceutical industry;
- to support the national producers of pharmaceutical drugs and other products of pharmaceutical assortment;
- to make analysis of national and foreign legislation as well as of drafts and acts developed in the pharmaceutical sector;
- to promote healthy lifestyle through participation in exhibitions, other activities;
- to participate in the development of advanced training programs and programs on professional training of pharmaceutical workers, certification, and awarding pharmaceutical workers with skill-categories, expert appraisal of the professional performance of ROOFR “PHARMABEL” members ;
- to raise the level of the skill of pharmaceutical workers;
- to boost the prestige of the pharmaceutical worker, to provide the youth with occupational guidance;
- to interact with the media to obtain a good coverage of the activities of ROOFR “PHARMABEL”;
- to engage in other activities that do not go against current legislation and are directed towards achieving the Charter purposes of ROOGFR “PHARMABEL”.
The Structure and Bodies of ROOFR “PHARMABEL”
ROOFR “PHARMABEL is based on a territorial principle and includes regional divisions and Minsk division (upon 10 or more members available). The divisions are not legal entities.
The superior body of ROOFR “PHARMABEL is the general assembly of the members (for regional and Minsk divisions) and the conference (for ROOFR “PHARMABEL).
The management (in divisions) and the Council are the elected governing bodies (in the period between the assembly and the conference). The term of the elected governing bodies is 5 years.
The Make-up of the ROOFR “PHARMABEL” Council
the Council Chairman – Sosonkina Valentina Fedorovna, a leading specialist of the organizational and pharmaceutical department of RUP “BELPHARMATSIYA”, Minsk, pharmacy №88 RUP “BELPHARMATSIYA”, Storozhovskaya, 3, contact telephone number 8(017)288-63-58
Vice-chairman – Goncharova Elena Nikolaevna, head of the organizational and pharmaceutical department of RUP “BELPHARMATSIYA”, Minsk, V.Khoruzhey, 11, room №13, contact telephone number 8(017)288-25-54
Vice-chairman – Kugach Valentina Vasilyevna, head of economics and pharmacy department with an FPK (Faculty of advanced training) course in Vitebsk Medical University, Vitebsk, contact telephone number 8(0212)37-22-34
Council Secretary – Kolodich Irina Vladimirovna, head of pharmacy №58 RUP “BELPHARMATSIYA”, Minsk, Korzhenevskogo, 25, contact telephone number 8(017)212-47-12
Council members:
Baray Tatyana Yuzefovna – head of the medicinal supplies, pricing, and information department of Vitebsk RUP “PHARMATIYA” 8(0212)36-31-14
Gritsevich Nikolai Nikolaevich – director general of Grodno RUP “PHARMATIYA” tel. 8(0152)77-01-51
Gurina Natalya Sergeevna – the dean of the pharmaceutical faculty of Vitebsk Medical University, Vitebsk, tel. 8(0212)24-78-84
Derkach Irina Petrovna – head of the information department of Brest RUP “PHARMATSIYA”, Brest, tel. 8(0162)43-56-38
Zhuk Irina Ilyinichna – head of pharmacy №28 of OOO “Iskamed”, Minsk, тел. 8(017)291-13-81
Litskevich Irina Fedorovna – head of UZ “Gorodskaya klinicheskaya bolnitsa skoroy pomoshchy” (city clinical first aid hospital) pharmacy, Minks, tel. 8(017)287-86-40
Kozyrev Ivan Alekseevich – director of ZAO “Unipharm”, Minsk, tel. 8(017)237-67-22
Kupriyanov Vladimir Victorovich – director general of RUP “Minskaya Pharmatsiya”, Minsk, tel. 8(017)213-27-07
Tarabanova Elena Anatolyevna – acting as head of central district pharmacy №15 of Mstislav district in Mogilev region, tel. 8(0224)02-14-72
Sudareva Aleksandra Nikolaevna – deputy director in charge of studies at UO “Mogilev Medical College”, Mogilev, tel. тел. 8(0222)23-02-37
Ustugova Svetlana Kuzminichna – a leading specialist-pharmacist of the personnel-law department of RUP “Pharmatsiya”, Gomel, tel. 8(0232)47-58-98
Plan of the operations of ROOFR “PHARMABEL” Council for 2011 year
Scheduled for |
Persons responsible for the activity |
To carry out: 1. Two meetings of the Council.
2. Checking the number of ROOFR members as of 01.01.2011.
3. Task allocation among Council members to achieve efficiency.
Request the Ministry of Health: 4. to revise the procedure for awarding skill-categories to pharmacists;
5. to make changes to tests in regard to awarding pharmacists skill-categories on account of the adoption of new regulatory legal acts.
To continue: 6. the work with the standing committee (House of Representatives of the National Assembly) in regard to health protection, physical education, family and youth support; Ministry of Health; International pharmaceutical producers in Belarus based on concluded agreements and contracts;
7. the work as part of the Council under the auspices of the Ministry of Health in regard to analyzing medicinal product market;
8. the conduct of regional (city) educational seminars, research and application conferences with a view to raising the level of proficiency of pharmaceutical workers and popularizing the history of pharmacy;
9. publishing articles in various newspapers, specialized magazines, etc, i.e. articles about the activities of pharmacy organizations, ROOFR “PHARMABEL”, the history of national pharmacy, distinguished pharmaceutical service workers, etc.;
10. cooperation with state museums of Belarus in order that the history room of RUP “BELPHARMATSIYA” may acquire more materials;
11. work with pharmacy service veterans in order to have them write memories about their work in pharmacy organizations.
To finish off and submit the following drafts to the management of RUP “BELPHARMATSIYA” Instructions: 12. – on procedure for the conduct of the yearly contest among the divisions of “PHARMATSIYA”;
13. on procedure for the conduct of the ‘The Republic-of-Belarus-pharmacist-of-the-year’ contest taking into account proposals of “PHARMATSIYA” companies.
14. To participate in the development of regulatory legal acts in the area of medicine circulation in the territory of RB.
15. To produce recommendations about setting up a mentorship in the pharmaceutical organizations of the “PHARMATSIYA” companies.
16. To prepare the necessary information (reports) on the activities of the ROOFR and timely submit it to the relevant authorities.
17. To organize an exhibition at the Scholastic Medical Library as a joint project with the medicine history museum dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the setting up of the first pharmacy in Belarus.
18. To organize a thematic book exhibition including collected volumes, magazines, and other printed publications on the history of pharmacy, devoted to the 450th anniversary of the setting up of the first pharmacy in Belarus the display is to be in the history room of RUP “BELPHARMATSIYA”.
19. To add to the old albums reflecting the development of the pharmacy network during the Soviet period photographs showing modern pharmaceutical enterprises “PHARMATSIYA”.
20. To construct a text for a pharmacy history room guide and a tour schedule for the specialists to conduct excursions.
March, September
first quarter
first quarter
during the year
as the meetings of the Council take place
in the course of the year
in the course of the year
in the course of the year
in the course of the year
in the course of the year
first half of the year
in the course of the year
first half of the year
in the course of the year
Sosonkina V.F.
Kolodich I.V., management of the territorial divisions
Sosonkina V.F., Goncharova E.N., Kugach V.V.
Sosonkina V.F.
Sosonkina V.F., Goncharova E.N., management of the territorial divisions
the Council and management of the territorial divisions
Kozyrev I.A., Sosonkina V.F.
Council and management of the territorial divisions
Council and management of the territorial divisions
Sosonkina V.F.
the Council and management of the territorial divisions
the Council and management of the territorial divisions
Sosonkina V.F., Goncharova E.N.
the Council and management of the territorial divisions
Sosonkina V.F.
Sosonkina V.F., Kulik N.V.
Sosonkina V.F., the Council and management of the territorial divisions
Sosonkina V.F.
Sosonkina V.F., management of territorial divisions
Sosonkina V.F.